Friday, October 14, 2011

Computer Kindergarten for the Fearful Adult

Computers can seem very frightening to the uninitiated. For those who have a fear of entering the digital age, considering themselves "too old to learn, " I assure you it is never too late.

I remember my pre-computer savvy days. I watched in wonder as I saw others navigate, sending emails, sharing photos, buying and selling, publishing memoirs. I thought it amazing and magical and complicated, and not for me! I was afraid I would break it or crash it and it seemed so confusing! Never did I think that someday I'd find navigating and performing tasks on the computer very easy too.

You don't have to be young or a computer nerd. If I could learn, so can you. I intend to give you the basics to help you join the digital age. It is not going away, and most likely by now you have experienced some frustration being shut out by your lack of computer skills...and fear.

Computer 101 is too much for the fearful Ludite.
We are going back to kindergarten, learn the basics and disregard the rest. 
If I could do it, so can you.

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